These are some recent photos near the seacoast. Click on each photo for a larger image.

( 2000 x 1330 px, 757 kB )

( 1736 x 1379 px, 924 kB )

( 2000 x 1513 px, 1170 kB )
The images below are very large, about 6000 pixels wide.
Click on the thumbnails for the very large view.

(2.6MB) Ocean View to the North from the high point of the property.

(2.8MB Aframe home and Outbuildings from the Driveway.

(2.3MB) From Center of the Yard.

(2.9MB) From the Barn Loft.

Aerial view of Cape Arago Lighthouse. Taken in 1990.
Click on a photo for a larger view.

Taken at the house in 1990 shortly after moving to Oregon.